
Thursday 22 June 2023

Reduncancy (maybe) and retirement beckons

Some of my previous posts highlighted the stresses and strains of deciding to retire. Retiring is a significant life step, so it mustn't be taken lightly, but it can also be a liberating and positive decision.

Earlier today my company announced more redundancies, having only completed a round earlier this year. Redundancies suck, even if you're not directly affected. Productivity sinks as folk reevaluate things. Even if you're position is safe, it is natural that you ask searching questions about what you want in the future. Is this still the company you see yourself working for? How can I protect myself from any future redundancies?

The tech industry is going through a hard time of late. One look at LinkedIn and it tells you there are lots of folk being laid off. The good news is there are jobs out there, even if the competition for them is more challenging.

I'm waiting to see with bated breath if I'll be affected. I already know that others around me are. News like this is upsetting and sucks all energy from you. A state of inertia everywhere sees everyone stop doing real work and ask questions. People like certainty, and without it, you can't function effectively.

I'm in a lucky position. I'm at the tail end of my career. If the worst happens I won't be too bothered. That's not that I won't feel shocked. I want to retire on my terms, not someone else's, but it won't be the end of the world. 

Over the last year, I've thought about retirement and how I'd fill my days. Voluntary work is something I want to pursue, as is improving my golf, and learning Arabic. Whilst the general themes are beginning to be fleshed out, the detail has yet to be firmed up. It is this that is the most unsettling as I'd hoped to have this sorted before the fateful day when I turn off the laptop for the last time.

Whatever happens in the next few days, you can be sure I'll be OK. I'm thankful to have spent (to date) 47 years paying my taxes. I've had a whale of a time making many friends and even more fond memories. So if I'm made redundant I'll raise a glass to the past, and another to the future.

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